Sunday, October 26, 2008

I heart O'Hare

Coffee always makes me have to poop.
There I said it! I am not ashamed of it.
I have to be conscious about my schedule once
I start to drink some delicious morning brew.
Like, the other day when I was flying to Chicago.
But I have a special place in my heart
for the bathrooms at O'Hare now.

The toilets have an automatic protective wrap on them.
So, you can finally eliminate the time it takes to place
little pieces of tp on the lid.

Sometimes there is a moment
you can really appreciate technology.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Childhood vending machine.

While seeing Wall-e for a mere $1.25 at Universal Mall, (where the only semi-dollar theater left stands) I came across one of the most amazing vending machines in the world. This vending machine only sold trading cards, like Magic cards, baseball cards, 1994 piston team roster cards, 1992 NHL cards, and even the one that is accompanied by stale gum from 1991. All of these packs can be yours for the small price of $.25 to $1.75.

I never knew my childhood became vintage.
I'm old.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Taking in the Sun

I often pass the old folks home to find people in varying states of decay taking in the sun. Sometimes they have company, and sometimes they're alone. One day, there was only this: